Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Hello from Idaho!

We apologize for not posting for a minute. Moving takes a lot out of you.....not to mention time consuming, gas guzzling, and stressful. But, no worries! We made it here safe and sound with a little dent in our pocket book and a smile on our faces.

But before we headed up, we spent some much needed time with friends and family. The Saturday before we left, we went to Lagoon with my family. My sister and her husband were in town from California...let's not forget to mention the freaking coolest nieces and nephews EVER! I would say that my nieces and nephews could beat your nieces and nephews up but that would sound too much like 4th grade.... but seriously, they could.

I also spent some time with this good looking lady! 

A few nights before we headed up, Franklin came down with a bout of the trots. Let me just tell you how much fun we had cleaning out his kennel and the carpet at 2:30 in the morning....NOT! Poor guy had excessive bacteria in his stomach. The vet said it is caused by being overly stressed. Little guy knew something was up with everything disappearing into boxes.

Put him on some meds and he was as good as new! He traveled like a champ. We made it to Boise late Saturday evening and took in inventory.

We got to work unpacking and luckily it was a lot easier than actually packing! Mark and Marilyn (Ian's parents) travelled up with us and helped us with everything! They are definitely a God send! They left Tuesday morning and we were left to our own devices..... We had to buy a few pieces of furniture and with a Mitsubishi Eclipse and a Nissan Sentra as our only can imagine our misfortunes. Well knowing Ian and myself like I know you do, we improvised...

You can't really tell, but I am pretty much kissing the windshield. We had to put the thing in slanted and scooted my seat ALL THE WAY FORWARD. Let's just say my legs are a lot more flexible and my face may or may not slightly resemble a pug. 

But even with our shortly planned genius ideas, we made a lot of head-way. And it, of course, is still a work in progress....

Oh, and don't worry. We are no longer using patio chairs for our living room furniture. We bought us a brand new couch! I didn't realize how domestic I had become until I realized how ridiculous I looked when I was jumping up and down clapping and cheering when our couch was being delivered.... boy, I need to get out more. 

But freaking take a look at this beaut!!

Oh, and Ian likes the couch too....

We are super lucky to be so close to the temple. It is literally 10 minutes away....right by the movie theater...we made note of that.

And Franklin has made himself right at home....

Ian wont start working at Walgreens for few weeks, so we are enjoying just making ourselves at home and learning more about Boise. Ps...they have a Kneaders, a zoo and lots of parks here, so I think I'll be good. And Ian is ok with the REI and Golf store.

We are excited to start our lives here as a new multi-species family. 

Oh and I just HAVE to share know, cause I am bird person. .... you're welcome.

"You got to fight for your right to party"-Beastie Boys

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