Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Adventure Continues...

Hey Everyone!

And here we go, into the New Year! It's really started out great for us. Ian is loving work, and I started teaching Zumba as an instructor. (Which I also love!)

We also had Ian's parents here visiting last weekend! It was a blast! Mark was asked to tie flies at a Fly Fishing Expo here in Boise, so they stayed with us and we got to spend some time with them. It was perfect timing because it just happened to land on one of Ian's 4 day weekends.

We did some shopping... (A Mattress for us for our NEW BEDROOM SET!! WOOT! More on that later.) and ALOT of football watching.

And Frank sometimes forgets how big he is and has a seat wherever he wants... this time it was on Marilyn.

We also got to have some fun with our little Sunbeamers at a Primary Activity. 
Ian and I got complete wardrobe makeovers, courtesy of our little 3 year olds.....

I am thinking of hiring one of them as my personal shopper. 

Frank has continued to shed full size dogs and its a mess. We recently found out that the reason it is so bad is because he is not only losing his summer fur but also his puppy fur. They say that after this year, it won't be so bad... PLEASE BLESS!!

Don't worry. This was a one sitting brushing....

The weather here has recently been really nice! 40's and 50's... Take THAT Utah! Neener Neener!
And since it has been so nice, Frank and I decided to take advantage and took a walk in our most favorite park ever! 

Ok, so now the exciting news....

Behold our bedroom set!!!

Isn't it a beaut!?
(Please excuse the photos above the bed...we (Ian) hasn't had a chance to move them yet.)

They delivered it yesterday. I was so excited and jumped right into putting our bedspread on it and transferring all our clothes to the new drawers... Yippee!!

And Frank is already a fan...

The bed is obviously not too high for him to jump onto.

Frank also had a bit of an incident yesterday. 

Little man decided to pay homage to Popeye...

I had just finished setting up our bedroom with our new furniture when I came downstairs to find Franklin with a big ol' swollen eye. Poor guy. I panicked, of course, and immediately called the vet. Turns out the little dude either had allergies from the dust kicked up from the furniture. (The new stuff was completely dusty... probably sat in a warehouse somewhere.) Or his bottom lashes were growing straight up and were irritating his top lid. The doc plucked those lashes and gave him some allergy meds and not 2 hours later he was as good as new!

 We did find out though, that our little Popeye sailor is 70 lbs. Guess I should stop calling him "little man".

 *cough* fatty *cough*

He is a lot of fun though. I don't know how many times I've said that I would't know what to do with myself here in Boise if I didn't have the Frank while Ian worked. 

Does this not apply to us or what?!.....

We love you all! Hope everything is going well with you and your family's! Please keep us updated about your lives and stay in touch! 

And like Marty Stouffer used to say...

"And until next time.... Enjoy your Wild America."

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 New Year!

Auld Lang Syne!

Happy New Year Everyone!

What a crazy year the last has been!! We had an amazing Christmas! We headed down to Utah the weekend before, since that was the only time Ian had off work, and got to spend it with friends and family. We stayed with my parents this trip and Frank had a blast with the nieces and nephews.

Not only did we wrestle around the living room, but we also got to take it outside for some good old fashion family sledding.

Oh, and not to brag or anything but totally pulled a Clark Griswold....

I may or may not have had a little bit of help from little Lienna.

We also spent some time with Ian's parents and his extended family. We gave Mark and Marilyn this photo (on canvas) my dad took of us on our engagement day.

Look how small Franklin is! Hard to believe he would eventually become a bull in a china shop...

Ian's parents also started a new tradition. They wouldn't tell us what it was, and kept it as a surprise until the event. You know me... I am crazy about surprises, so I might have roped Ian into brain storming with me about what it could be... the whole ride to Utah.

Boy, were our ideas WAY off...

We were handed a envelope and were told we weren't allowed to open it until we got to the mall. We all chose a meeting spot and were told that we had 1 hour to spend whatever amount was in our envelope. The rules?

*We had to spend as close to the amount as possible.
*We were only allowed to shop by ourselves.
*We were not allowed to spend it on gift cards or any type of food or drink.

We then were supposed to meet back at our meeting spot in 1 hour and whoever had remaining money closest to $0.00, got everyone else's left overs.

Marilyn had $4
Ian had $3
Mark had $1
and I had $0.36.... score!

It was a blast! We had so much fun! We can wait for next year's! Marilyn told me Mark has already been in training to win next year. (Challenge accepted Mark, challenge accepted.)

We also got to attend my Pugh side annual family Christmas party. The family has really grown over the years, but I think it makes it more fun!

We have dinner, white elephant gift exchange, family program, and games. Every year at the end of the party Grandpa personally hands out gifts to everyone. What a selfless guy! He always gives out the best gifts! This year each married couple was given a Food Saver. Love you Grandpa! Thank you!

We headed home the Sunday before Christmas. Which was perfect timing for us since we wanted to get settled back in before we had our own Christmas festivities. Luckily Ian didn't have to work Christmas, so we had a full day of gifts, food, and cuddling.

It was fun to have Christmas by ourselves the first year we've been married. We expect to not have many more one on one Christmas' in the future, which we are completely happy not to have, but we also wanted to take advantage of what we did. 

We ended up getting smaller gifts for each other because the big gift we got ourselves this year was .... Drum roll please....

A new bedroom set! WOO HOO!

We were literally in the furniture store half an hour. I guess it helps when you know exactly what you want and you don't want to wait any longer! Can I say it again? WOO HOO!!

Frank has continued to grow and SHED. Holy cow... I think I could make a separate dog out of the amount of fur he loses. Luckily me and the vacuum have become best friends. 
I'm not so sure about Frank and the vacuum though.

But seriously, this past year has been an exciting and eventful one. 
Here are some highlights of Our 2013.

*We acquired a new furry family member (Franklin)
*I worked at the bird show at Hogle Zoo
*We got Engaged!
*Ian graduated from Pharmacy School!
*We got Married!
*We took a trip to Mexico
*Ian ran a Spartan Race
*I did my 4th Bike Tour
*I learned how to fly fish
*We moved to Boise
*Ian started working for Walgreens
*I certified as a Zumba Instructor
*I realized my cooking and crafting potential
*Ian directed an Ultra Marathon
*We took a trip down to Goblin Valley (For Ian's marathon)
*Made multiple Utah trips
*I changed my name
*We became Sunbeam teachers at church
*We made new friends and explored new places here in Boise

What an amazing year! We can't wait to see what next year has in store for us!
We love you all and hope your 2013 was as prosperous as ours was! 

(My new chalkboard design.)