Life has still been crazy! We had an awesome Memorial weekend. A much needed "unofficial" get-away. The reason I say unofficial is because we took a trip up to Boise Idaho with Ian's parents and the kid (Franklin). It was a blast! But the purpose for our weekend vacation, was to find an apartment. So even though we enjoyed ourselves immensely, it was wedding work away from home.
"WHAT!? You are moving to Boise Idaho!?" you say? Yes indeedy. This adventure will not take place until middle of July. So we get to enjoy your company just a wee bit longer.
Ian accepted a job offer to work for Walgreen's UP there. (I have to emphasize the UP since Ian always makes fun of me. For some reason my brain cannot grasp the concept of directions. I always say the opposite of where a place is located. I.E. "Let's head up to Lake Powell." or "We are going down to Boise for the weekend."... love me anyway babe, love me anyway.)
But even though I found myself grinding my teeth in jealousy at all the boating and camping photos everyone seemed to be posting about from their amazing weekend, I still found myself absolutely excited about moving! Boise is an incredible place!
"For reals Taylynn?... All it has is potatoes and cows."
For all you nay sayers...FALSE! It is much more than rootin-tootin cowboys and an endless supply of french fries.
We walked around Boise for 3 days, and this is what we found.
We also had some good old fashion family time.....
Anyway, if you are ever headed in that direction, (probably UP, if you live in Salt Lake and not til after July) drop us a line. Us Borovatz can show you a good time. Just ask Franklin. He's lived with us for about a month and a half now, so he's practically a pro.
If you are a Boise State fan, don't even think about it. I had to promise Ian I wouldn't be wearing orange and blue simultaneously in case people asked questions.
"I hope I am not a tourist attraction - I'm sure that they come here really because Boise Idaho is just amazing, a beautiful place." -Prince William